Neither Rain nor Darkness Could Keep the Students Away
Neither rain nor darkness could keep FairWays to Leadership students Ivan, Travis or Craig from practicing their newly learned golf skills. Not bad form guys for having had only a couple of lessons. Keep up the good practice!
The FairWays to Leadership program focuses on ensuring golf is a source of opportunity and not a barrier to aspiring business leaders. The program provides lessons on how to play and how to talk golf and is open to anyone interested in using golf for professional advancement. The program places a special emphasis on woman and people of color based on research describing how golf is often a barrier for these individuals in their professional careers.
The program is currently seeking new and used sets of golf clubs in good condition that can be given to students in the program. We seek sets for all golfers but have a high need at the moment for clubs designed for women, left-handed clubs, and clubs for the taller golfer.
Contact Dr. Eric Boyd on LinkedIn if you have clubs to donate or would like to learn more about FairWays to Leadership.